A new year brings a spring clean, melting ice and an upcoming resupply

And we are off and running into 2023

After the peace of a post-Christmas lull the station is back in action.

The planned powerhouse shut down has the diesos, plumbers and sparkies busy and we are all a degree or two cooler as the emergency power house is not quite as powerful as its big brother.

Hydroponics has had a huge clean out, with a few productive tomatoes and capsicums still thriving, new seeds germinating …. and we are nurturing ripening tomatoes in a sunny window

We continue to check our medical equipment, with the assistance of our Lay Surgical Assistants.

The summer melt is evident on the plateau with Hägglunds negotiating melt streams on a regular basis.

Most of the blizz tails downwind of buildings on station have disappeared and seals are snoozing beside nearby tide cracks.

Around the station the sea ice is dodgy but still present, we have open water around the Rookery Islands and on the horizon… all a reminder that our resupply is imminent… and that there is quite a bit to do before that happens!

Fortunately, there was time for a pleasant Sunday stroll up the Gwamm loop in unusually perfect weather, while others made the most of hut weekends.

Anne, Station Doc
