Feasts and fun to celebrate Christmas on Macca.

Tis the season.....

For most people Christmas is a time for holidays & celebrations with family & friends. Quite often catching up with those who we don’t see often enough.

On Macca we have both winterers (away for more than 12 months) & summer teams (away for 6 months) who make up our small island community. Christmas time can highlight that everyone’s family & friends are far away. Particularly those with young children.

That being said Macca has good links to home with video calls possible.

However, take a diverse group of people who live & work together for extended periods & something happens. Its like being a family.

So as the Macca family we have celebrated Christmas in fine style. Much laughter & many smiles.

Seasons greetings to all our family & friends at home.

Cheers Shane McNamara
