Re-supplying the field huts leads to a fun trip

A great day for boating

Here on Macca we have a small fleet of inflatable rubber boats (IRBs). Weather permitting, boating is a great way to re-supply the field huts with essential supplies, transport track maintenance materials and survey coastal areas for reserve management. All with a minimum expenditure of expeditioner effort.

Fortuitously it's also great fun.

Due to the sub-Antarctic conditions, preparations are fairly elaborate with all crew in drysuits and personal flotation devices for the duration. Survival packs of field gear are prepared to allow us to walk back up the island should we get shipwrecked, which almost never happens!

One of last week's boating excursions was a run down to Green Gorge to deliver much needed supplies to the hut (mostly toilet paper), and to retrieve a gas heater that had been replaced.

It was also a good chance to survey the damage done by the recent exceptional easterly swell, particularly at Sandy Bay where the old hut, stairs and sand spit have all been washed from the beach.

The wind and swell stayed down for our trip​, and a good time was had by all.

George Brettingham Moore

Bureau of Meteorology MET Tech
