No shortage of blizzards

Field training and winterising

We’re now two months into our season, with everyone happily settled into regular work routines and enjoying Mawson station life.

Our field training continues, with our third group completing 3 days and 2 nights outdoors last week. They had a great time including surviving a crispy overnight bivvy in −23 degrees!

The weather conditions continue to challenge our field plans with more blizzard days recorded — we have now doubled the regular March average with 6 blizzard days! When the weather does break for the better, we’ve been blessed with some amazing sunshine and (nearly) windless days making for some amazing photogenic moments (see below).

In between field training, we're all keeping busy completing our station-based work programs. It’s an especially busy time for our tradies and mechanics, as their work focus turns to ‘winterising’. This means prepping infrastructure and plant equipment to withstand the coming winter, as well as completing key outdoor work tasks before the conditions limit us.

In other news, our regular ‘Monday Cooking Slushy’ continues to unearth some impressive culinary skills from unlikely members of the station team! Whilst on the social front, last weekend saw us enjoy a ‘look-alike trivia night’. The trivia competition was nearly as strong as our ‘look-alike’ game!

To end this week, we want to send a big shout-out to all our dedicated family and friends reading this back in Australia. Thanks for your continuing support and contact! We hope you’re enjoying our journey so far and we look forward to bringing you more pictures and updates throughout the season.

Kyle (Station Leader)
