Another working week at Mawson flies by, and it’s lovely to see some sunshine again!

Weekly round-up

And so another week flies by on station with everyone plugging away at the myriad of tasks that make up the working week. To add to your photographic set of Mawson winterers, this week meet Nate, Nick, Mark, Linc and Kiwi (on a slushy day).

We had a ‘Trailer Trash’ themed Murder Mystery evening on the weekend, which turned out to be one of those ‘what happens on station, stays on station’ nights, so all that can be said is that a good time was had by all and we're all rubbish detectives! No photographic evidence is to be provided although rest assured that the most was made of what the costume store could provide…

Sunday afternoon saw a friendly darts game with Casey station (since Macquarie trounced every other station, the inter-station competition itself was over before we even had a chance to play Casey or Davis) which we lost 2–1, but an enjoyable afternoon was had by all and a couple of the games were closer than that score represents. Well done Casey. And the victorious Macca!

The sun is shining, the wind is a very sedate 14 knots, the blowing snow has stopped and all is well down here on the ice today.
