This week eight brave souls jumped into the icy Mawson waters for a winter swim, the Mawson Motorcycle Club rolled into town and Heidi shares some pics.

A chilly dip in frozen waters

The weather on midwinter’s day was a bit too much for a swim with some fairly high wind, so we had to delay it for another time. With a nice day (−25.3°C air temperature) and with calm winds we decided that 6th July would be the day for the Mawson winter swim.

First task was to prepare the hole which fell to myself and Alex, so we went down to the wharf with chainsaws in hand. We drilled holes in the corners then got to work with the chainsaw. It didn’t take long to have the hole cut all around and then use the excavator to get the ice out. It can be pretty tough stuff and it took a while to get all the little bits of ice out so that the pool was not too chilly.

Once we had the hole cut and other preparations were complete the eight sillier of us took the plunge. It’s a bit hard to describe the feeling of plunging into the minus 1.8 degree water. At first it’s not too bad as it 25 degrees warmer than the air temperature but then it really saps the heat out of you. It was a bit of a blur climbing back out with Dr Mal checking that we were OK and then we ran back into the warmth of the wharf hut.

The eight swimmers were — Eddie, Mark A, Benny, Alex, BJ, Doug, Leon and Shane.

Thanks to those who didn’t swim and took care of the eight of us that did! Mark B — Lifeline Attendant; Heidi — Rescue Supervisor; Pete and Dan — Photographers; Dr Mal — Towel Passer and Doctor; Kat — Overall in charge of whole shebang.

Until next time,


Images of a season so far

Here are a few pics of my work environments over the past nine months. I began my field training/station supply officer role in September 2016 — putting foot on the continent in November 2016.

I am here at Mawson for a summer/winter/summer duration, so I am officially over halfway through. Summer was a great time here, long daylight hours, warm weather, great crew and my work was varied and busy.

Winter at the moment is same same but different, long darker days (getting lighter now), colder temperatures, great crew and varied and busy work! So here are a few pics from some of my work locations…

Happy birthday Dan!

This week the ‘Mawson Motorcycle Club’ celebrated Dan’s birthday with a delicious dinner and a huge motorbike birthday cake. 
