Scenario 4 — quad conundrum

You have been offered the opportunity to visit a penguin colony on quads (4 wheel motor bikes). You have not spent a lot of time on a quad since the quad training you completed when you arrived on station. You feel like you would really like to have more practice close to the station before you go on a trip like this — but you really want to go. What should you do?

  1. Ask for the opportunity to refresh your skills before you go.
  2. Decide not to go as you don’t want to risk the safety of others on the trip.
  3. You decide ‘What the heck!’ — that you will go and get the practice you need on the way.

You chose answer (a).

Everyone must complete on station quad training before using quads in Antarctica.

Refreshing your skills before the trip is the most sensible option. If you refresh your skills beforehand, the trip will be much safer for you and your colleagues.

You chose answer (b).

Everyone must complete on station quad training before using quads in Antarctica.

If you cannot refresh your skills before the trip, this is a sensible decision as you don’t want to put either yourself or others at risk.

You chose answer (c).

This is the least desirable decision as you will risk the safety of others on the trip if there should be an incident.

If you were to sustain an injury, medical care is limited, and evacuation may not be possible. It is not worth the risk.

Next scenario
